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eMergeCustomerize your e-mail.


We didn’t go looking for our first customers, they found us! People were phoning with orders before we had even published our phone number on our website.

Here are some of the nice things they’ve had to say about eMerge.



Zero Z. Batzell Dean

At the end of the year I will have saved so much time and money using eMerge, I will not only be able to afford a vacation, I’ll actually have the time for one as well!

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John Kranz
GoLive Systems, Inc.

Thanks for developing a tool that allows me to communicate more effectively and more personally with our long list of beta testers. This product paid for itself the first moment I used it based on time and effort saved. I am addicted to eMerge!

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Norman Clarke

I used to use Eudora Pro to send out e-mail in batches of 1000 or so. This was a rather laborious task, which would take several hours because of the need to filter out all the bad addresses manually and keep watch over my computer to stop it from hanging.

By using your program to inform our customers of our special Valentine’s day promotion, we had our single best sales day ever—doubling our previous record! Buying eMerge was thus very well worth the low $99 investment.

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Claudia Schimmer
Macs of Marin

As a volunteer in a computer user group, I have found sending email reminders greatly appreciated by our club members. eMerge has made this fun, easy and more personalized. Thanks!

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Trevor Specht
Ken Leiner Associates

The factor that impresses me most about eMerge is speed. It is much, much faster than OutBox for importing messages and sending messages. . . .

And eMerge is a standalone mail program, which is great.

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Bob Allen
Life Plus International

I have used eMerge more times than I can count. It works seamlessly . . . Thank you for a truly functional, user-friendly and time-saving product!

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Andreas Pizsa
Tools and Toys

This is exactly what software should be: it solves a real problem, it’s easy to use, it has great documentation.

eMerge is a great product!

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John McLeod
Assistant Professor,
Georgia Institute of Technology

I ran my first batch of grades with eMerge this morning, and I can say without hesitation that I am thrilled with the results!

Setup was easy, and the program is FAST! I had become used to the slow speed of my own poorly written AppleScript; your program is a joy to use.

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Ted Logan
Medical and Scientific Publishing Consultant

Eureka! Just what I’ve been looking for . . .

I’ve tried out the demo on a simple trial mailing and liked everything about it. Correcting an e-mail address for one of my recipients and then sending it after all the others was quick, easy, and damn smart!

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