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eMergeCustomerize your e-mail.


Although it’s the last on this list, our first review is still one of our favorites. eMerge hadn’t been online for 24 hours before it was named the Internet’s “Cool Tool of the Day” and Sean Carton was telling people to buy a copy and “quit sending e-mail that sucks!”  


Cheap But Good — Volume 1
A guide that proves you don’t have to spend a whole lot of money to do business on the web.

E-mail merge software: As your business grows, you’re going to want to send a lot of people a lot of specific information about their relationship with you. Updating subscriptions, earnings, order status are just a few things you want to personalize to your community. But mail-merge software works the other way, too.

When I was pre-launching my book, The Revenge of Brand X, I used an great product for the Mac called eMerge to personalize my e-mails to hundreds of editors. Because we did such a cool job of low pressure, personalized approach, we got a tremendous amount of positive response (about 25%!) and lots of book reviews. Download a FREE copy of Cheap But Good...

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  Rob Frankel

TidBITS (February 1, 1999)
Legitimate direct e-mail eMerges

In our rush to blot out spam, however, we've obscured the fact that legitimate uses for direct email software do exist. I know, because I send out my share of bulk personalized messages on a regular basis using Galleon Software's well-crafted program eMerge.
Full story...

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The Macintosh News Network (July 13, 1998)
The Review—eMerge
* * * * 4 / 5 
When people hear about mass e-mailers, they immediately relate that to the unpleasent idea of of spam. After all, most people don’t like receiving spam, so who would want to be responsible for it?

eMerge was created with a completely different purpose in mind, and is no better for sending spam than a regular e-mail program is; it simply offers unique and powerful features that legitimate mass mailers will appreciate. Full story...

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The Toronto Sun (March 4, 1998)
Ian HarveyConnect

As it stands now, e-mail for most people is a way to stay in touch . . . but the potential for e-mail’s power as a tool of communication has only just been scratched and that’s where Galleon is planning to float their boat. Full story...

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  The Toronto Sun

The First Coast Mac (December 1997)
* * * * 4 / 5 
eMerge 1.1.2 is a very well written program, very easy to use, with an instruction manual that guides the user simply and easily through each step. Easy as pie!

. . . for those who need to send mass mailings, I would highly recommend it.

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  North Florida Mac User Group

MacUpdate (December 8, 1997)
eMerge 1.1.2
RATING:  4 / 5
Setting up eMerge to begin your mass e-mailings takes no time at all. . . . The interface is very simple, allowing you to complete your task quickly without any hassle. eMerge does everything it’s supposed to, with plenty of mailing options. It’s not an over-bloated program like Netscape that takes up a large amount of your memory or performance. . . .

PROS: Speeds up repetitive tasks immensely. Super fast importing and exporting of messages. Easy to use, simple yet intuitive interface. Small application size.

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File Mine (November 27, 1997)
eMerge 1.1.2
* * * * * 5 / 5
There are many good business reasons for broadcasting e-mail to a number of addresses, the most significant of which is sending personalized mail to a business’s customer list. Let’s face it—receiving e-mail addressed to the cyberspace equivalent of “Occupant” is no fun, and “Dear Customer” is only slightly less impersonal. eMerge frees you from the embarrassment of sending out these sorts of impersonal broadcasts.

You can use it to personalize mailings to your customer list, mailing list, or all your friends. These are all good things, and eMerge is a great piece of software for these purposes—heck, it even gets a five on my documentation scale, which few programs do. The docs with the demo are great, and tell you everything you want to know (about using eMerge, that is).

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  File Mine Jewels

CANOE (November 19, 1997)
Bulk e-mail made easy
* * * * * 5 / 5 
If you’re a Mac user and are looking for a way to send bulk e-mail, then eMerge by Galleon Software may be the answer. . . .The interface and tools in eMerge are fairly straightforward, so you won’t be wasting a lot of time trying to train yourself. Full story...

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  Canadian Online Explorer

Apple Wizards (October 1997)
Review: eMerge 1.1.1
* * * * 1/2 4.5 / 5 
eMerge is a great application. I won’t say that it beats the competition, because as far as I’m concerned, it HAS no competition. It is a smooth, intuitive application that requires minimal knowledge or skill to operate.

The manual is comprehensive, but need not be opened! I use eMerge to send email to my subscribers, and if you need to send personalized email to more than 25 people, eMerge is where you should be.

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  Apple Wizards

Mad Mac News (September 1997)
Just a note to my friends

Sending mail to just one friend is not a nuisance. . . But what happens if you want to send a letter or a notice to a group of people? At such times, most people utilize the carbon copy (cc:) function of their e-mail programs, but such practices can result in cc: lists of Biblical proportions.

Very personal, eh? And not very private, for everyone on the cc: list knows everyone else’s e-mail address. . . . I, for one, must send out e-mail to 276 people. And I must keep their e-mail address strictly, legally confidential. . . . Everyone on my list has cancer, and they have the right to medical confidentiality. . . .

eMerge is a bulk-mailing program that takes a list of people . . . unites them with your letter, and then effortlessly mails them. Plus, these letters can be far more personalized than the lengthy cc: list you’ve toyed with.

Hallelujah! And I do mean that—for I couldn’t live without this program. It saves me DAYS of work.

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  Madison Macintosh Users Group

MacWEEK (July 29, 1997)
New tools aim to ease bulk e-mail delivery

Users seeking to lessen the work of running e-mail marketing campaigns can turn to two new tools for sending bulk mail messages. Galleon Software and Spinfree have introduced utilities to send and customize mass mailings.

Users can preview merged messages before sending them. eMerge will mail messages directly over a modem or direct connection, and it can initiate up to 24 simultaneous connections for faster message delivery, Galleon said.

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Newsbytes (April 2, 1997)
Galleon sets sail with sales tool for Mac

Two alumni of Toronto software developer SoftArc Inc. struck out on their own last March, and formed Galleon Software. The three-man company’s first product is an Internet sales package that Colin Biggin and Scott Appleton developed based on what some other small software developers told them they needed in their own businesses.

. . . Galleon’s eMerge software is designed for companies that want to send out e-mail messages such as upgrade notices to small mailing lists of hundreds of names, although . . . one customer is using it quite successfully with a much larger mailing list.
Full story
for Newsbytes subscribers...

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Macworld Online (March 24, 1997)
Software Personalizes e-mail

Where some see controversy, others see a business opportunity.

Amid recent negative publicity about online e-mail “spammers,” Galleon Software has released eMerge, a Mac-based program that brings mail-merge capabilities to electronic mail. Full story...

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Cool Tool of the Day
March 4, 1997

Sure, if you want to do a mass mailing—maybe a new product announcement, your billing, or even a merry x-mas letter—you can set up a simple mailing list in your email program. Everyone does it. But what do your customers get? A lame-ass message that’s the same as what everyone else got! About as personal as one of those pizza-shop flyers jammed under your door. Boring!

. . . So quit sending email that sucks. Get eMerge and get that personal touch! Full story...

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  Cool Tool of the Day