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eMergeCustomerize your e-mail.


Spinfree discontinues Outbox
Galleon Software offers migration path to eMerge 1.5

CHICAGO. December 2, 1998. Spinfree Inc., the Chicago-based developer of award-winning websites and Filemaker solutions, today announced that they are discontinuing the development and support of Outbox, their FileMaker-based e-mail merge tool for the Macintosh.

In a special arrangement made with Galleon Software of Toronto, Outbox customers who wish to move to a similar application are being offered significant discounts on the latest version of eMerge, free conversion of their mailing lists, and first crack at eMerge FM, Galleon Software’s upcoming SMTP e-mail engine for FileMaker databases.

Spinfree has been enjoying great success with their award-winning entertainment organizers—Audiofile for music, BookBin for books, and Videofile for movies. “We saw this an opportunity of focusing our efforts on these products,” said Jason Fried, president of Spinfree. “And we identified Galleon Software as the company best suited to take care of our Outbox customers.”

Galleon Software’s eMerge has quickly established itself as the leading Macintosh tool for creating and delivering customized e-mail to large mailing lists. Unlike other e-mail merge tools that load e-mail into a standard e-mail client, eMerge boasts its own sophisticated mailing engine that sends mail directly to each person’s mail server, informs you immediately when the message gets through, and quickly identifies outdated and incorrect addresses.

Outbox customers can also take comfort in Galleon Software’s close ties with the FileMaker community. “A number of people bought Outbox because it was built in FileMaker,” says Fried. “So I was happy to see features in eMerge specifically adapted to the way FileMaker works.”

Galleon Software has also committed to releasing an e-mail plug-in for FileMaker. eMerge FM is scheduled for release during Macworld San Francisco and will bring all the power of the eMerge mailing engine to FileMaker databases.

You can learn more about eMerge on Galleon Software’s website:


Or you can download a demo version with full documentation from:



Spinfree is a Chicago-based developer of award-winning websites and FileMaker solutions. Galleon Software is a Canadian developer of desktop communications software for small, specialized markets. Audiofile, BookBin, Videofile are trademarks of Spinfree, Inc. eMerge and eMerge FM are trademarks of Galleon Software.

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